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What type of tile is best for shower walls?

The Best Tiles for Your Shower

When it comes to showers, you want to make sure you choose a waterproof tile that will withstand years of exposure to water and humidity. Ceramic tile, porcelain tile, and quarry tile are just a few of the tile options that work well for shower walls. All of these options are from the ceramic tile family and are suitable for wet areas. Let’s take a closer look at each option.

Ceramic Tile

Ceramic tiles are made by heating natural clay to high temperatures until it forms a hard material. Once cooled, the clay is ground into a powder and mixed with water to create a slurry. The slurry is then poured into molds where it dries and hardens into shape. Afterward, the tiles are fired in a kiln where they’re glazed and decorated with designs. Ceramic tiles come in glazed or unglazed varieties; however, most shower tiles are glazed to prevent them from absorbing water. Glazed ceramic tiles are easy to clean and maintain but they’re not as durable as porcelain or quarry tiles; therefore, they’re better suited for low-traffic areas like showers.

Porcelain Tile

Porcelain tiles are similar to ceramic tiles except they’re made from more refined clay that’s fired at higher temperatures. As a result, porcelain tiles are denser than ceramic tiles which makes them more impervious to water and less likely to absorb stains. Porcelain tiles come in glazed or unglazed varieties; however, most shower tiles are glazed to prevent them from absorbing water. Glazed porcelain tiles are easy to clean and maintain but they’re not as durable as quarry tiles; therefore, they’re better suited for low-traffic areas like showers.

Quarry Tile

Quarry tiles are made from natural clay that’s fired at high temperatures until it forms a hard material. Once cooled, the clay is ground into a powder and mixed with water to create a slurry. The slurry is then poured into molds where it dries and hardens into shape. Afterward, the tiles are left unfinished; therefore, they have a matte finish with very little slip resistance. Quarry tiles come in several colors; however, most quarry tiles used for showers are red or gray because those colors hide dirt well. Quarry tiles are unsealed which makes them more porous than other types of tile; however, they can be sealed if desired. Quarry tiles offer good slip resistance and they’re very durable which makes them ideal for high-traffic areas like showers.

When choosing a waterproof tile for your shower walls, you have many options available to you including ceramic tile, porcelain tile, and quarry tile—all of which come from the ceramic family of tiles. All three types of tiles are suitable for wet areas but they differ in terms of density, porosity, durability, and slip resistance so be sure to select the type of tile that best suits your needs.