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What renovations increase home value the most?

Why Does Home Renovation Matter?

First impressions are important when it comes to your home. If you want to sell your home or simply maintain/improve its value, it’s important to keep up with trends and put some effort into making it look its best. Even minor improvements can have a significant impact and return on investment (ROI).

Renovations in the Kitchen

Kitchen remodels are among the most popular home improvements. And it’s no surprise: a well-designed kitchen can make a significant difference in both the look and feel of your home. It’s also a great way to increase the value of your home.

Bathroom Remodeling

The bathroom is a great place to start when it comes to home renovations that increase home value. A bathroom remodel can increase the value of your home while also making it more comfortable and functional for you and your family.

HVAC Improvements

HVAC upgrades are one of the most popular home improvements because they improve comfort while also saving money on energy bills. It’s no surprise that newer, more efficient HVAC systems can cut your energy consumption by up to 50%, so it’s no surprise that this is a top choice for savvy homeowners.

Outdoor Living Areas

Outdoor living space is one type of renovation that can be especially effective at increasing the value of your home. An outdoor living space can be a great addition to any home and can significantly increase the property’s value. Here are just a few of the benefits of having an outdoor living space:

Updates to Accessibility

Making your home more accessible is one of the most important things you can do to increase its value. This includes removing any obstacles that prevent people with disabilities from entering and using your home. This could include the installation of ramps, wider doorways, or grab bars in the bathroom.