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What is the biggest expense in bathroom remodel?

What Is the Most Expensive Part of a Bathroom Renovation?

What is the most costly aspect of a bathroom remodel? Labor, tile work and plumbing are typically the most expensive aspects of a bathroom remodel. You may be surprised to learn that other costs, such as mold removal or waterproofing, can be just as high. However, if you are prepared for the most expensive part of your bathroom remodel, you can save money and enjoy your new space sooner. Here are three cost-cutting suggestions:

1. Obtain quotes from multiple contractors. Just because one contractor appears to be less expensive than another does not mean they will charge you less for the job. It is critical to obtain quotes from various suppliers so that you can compare cost and quality without worrying about any hidden fees.

2. Request certain upgrades in advance. If you know you want granite countertops or a Jacuzzi bathtub, request them in your quote so the contractor knows what to expect and doesn’t have to make additional trips to the store later on in the project. This will save you both time and money in the long run.

3. Be prepared for unexpected events. Even if you have requested an estimate in advance, there is always the possibility that something unexpected will arise during construction, such as the need for additional flooring or tiles due to damage caused by previous repairs. Make sure you have enough money saved up in case these unexpected costs arise, and don’t be afraid to bargain on price if necessary!

Cost Estimation

Labor: The National Association of Home Builders reports that the average cost of installing a bathroom sink is $208. A countertop sink costs an additional $347. On average, replacing an entire toilet will cost an additional $594.

Tile: Tile work can be costly not only because of the material itself but also because of the installation costs. A single 12×12 inch ceramic tile can cost up to $24, whereas a shower surround can cost well over $200.

Plumbing: Installing new plumbing in your bathroom is another costly endeavor. A standard Kohler lavatory cistern will set you back around $699, while a three-hole bathtub with a double shower head will set you back around $1,600.

When planning a bathroom renovation, keep in mind the most expensive aspects of the project: labor, tile work, and plumbing. You can ensure that all of your contractors are working on tasks that will add the most value to your budget by conducting preliminary research. Remember to include warranties! If something goes wrong during construction, having a warranty in place can help relieve any stress. So think about what you want in a bathroom renovation – after all, it’s likely to be one of the largest investments you’ll ever make!