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Does a tile shower add value?

Is a tile shower worth it?

If you’re considering adding a tile shower to your home, you might be wondering if it’s worth the investment. The answer is yes! Tile can add value to your home if it’s in a trendy style and properly installed. Plus, if your home doesn’t have any outdated materials in other rooms, that’s even better! Why? Because prospective homebuyers are always looking for features that require little to no effort on their part.

A tile shower is unquestionably one of those features. It not only cleans and maintains easily, but it also adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to any bathroom. Furthermore, updating the rest of your bathroom with trendy materials and finishes will only increase the value of your home. So, if you’re thinking about installing a tile shower, go ahead and do it! Just make sure to hire a professional contractor with tile shower installation experience. That way, you can be confident that your tile shower will last for years to come.

The Pros of Tile Showers

There are many reasons why tile showers are becoming more popular. First and foremost, they’re very easy to clean and maintain. All you need is a little soap and water, and you’re good to go! Plus, if you ever need to replace any damaged tiles, it’s a relatively simple process. Simply remove the old tile and install the new one in its place.

Another reason why people love tile showers is that they can add value to your home. If you choose a trendy style of tile and have it installed by a professional contractor, you’ll be adding resale value to your property. And if your bathroom doesn’t have any outdated materials or finishes, that’s even better! Because when prospective homebuyers are looking at houses, they always prefer features that require little to no effort on their part.

Lastly, tile showers just look luxurious and sophisticated. They can instantly transform any bathroom into a spa-like oasis. Whether you opt for classic white subway tiles or something more unique like patterned Moroccan tiles, there’s no question that tile showers are definitely chic.

The Cons of Tile Showers

Although there are many pros to having a tile shower, there are a few potential cons as well. One downside is that tile can be quite expensive—especially if you go for designer or hand-painted options. In addition, tiling can be tricky (and time-consuming) so unless you’re experienced in this type of work, we recommend hiring a professional contractor who specializes in tile installation. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging your tiles or not having them installed correctly—which could lead to leaks down the road.

Overall, we think tile showers are definitely worth the investment! They offer many benefits including being easy-to-clean/maintain, adding resale value to your home, and giving any bathroom an instant upgrade with their luxurious look and feel. Just make sure that you factor in the potential costs associated with tiling before making your final decision—and always hire a professional contractor who has experience installing tile showers!